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Who We Are

Onima Inc

Our leadership.

Satyajit Deb
Managing Director/Chief Innovation Officer

With multiple engineering degrees and many award-winning product innovations to his credit, Satyajit is a world leader of new technology development and commercialization.
His work has earned numerous patents and significant sales across a broad range of businesses, including consumer products, industrial products, advertising print media, toys, children’s publications, sporting goods, premiums, gift cards, greeting cards, POP and packaging.

Working in a senior management capacity, he conceived and developed multi-sensory product innovations for Fortune 500 companies like McDonald’s, Burger King, Kellogg’s, Nestle, Kraft, Coca-Cola and P&G, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue—and priceless social capital—for these partners.

In this role, Satyajit also developed global management experience across the diverse cultures of Asia, North America, Europe and Australia which resulted in his now unparalleled network of strategic partners in technology innovation and funding worldwide.

Satyajit’s far-reaching vision and experience are foundational to creating new product news — and revenue.

Onima’s philosophy.

If it’s true that every trend has its own countertrend, we are happy to be among the growing number of companies driven by an impulse to do business in a way that is fair, ethical, and kind. We look for the “win” we can share, and never let profits blind us to the fact that people’s lives and livelihoods are on the line.